Unit II Facility
Unit II > Unit II Facility
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New Flexible Rolling Mill capable of producing wire rods, rounds with contemporary technology and processes from Danieli Morgradshammar, Italy for Stainless steel, alloy steel and carbon steel grade, with key features like
- Reheating Furnace with moving hearth for uniform heating and low scale formation, with input size of 160x160mm billet from Centro Combustion Furnace, Italy.
- De Scalar before roughing stands to remove scale formed during reheating
- Intermediate rolling on Horizontal-Vertical roll configuration to give better control during rolling due to no twist arrangement
- Wire Rod Block: DELTA type ten stand wire rod block, from Morgardshammar with post rolling arrangement of Quenching, Forced Cooling as well as Retarded Cooling to achieve grain size / structure and mechanical properties for different grades
- Cooling Bed
- Automatic Packing
Quality Control
- Complete Mechanical, Metallurgical and Chemical Laboratory with Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
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